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Design and manufacture an industrial inspired bottle glorifier to showcase the Bulleit brand.

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the project

Design and manufacture an industrial inspired bottle glorifier to showcase the Bulleit brand.

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the challenge

Design and manufacture an industrial inspired bottle glorifier to showcase the Bulleit brand.

the execution

Design and manufacture an industrial inspired bottle glorifier to showcase the Bulleit brand.

our differentiator

Design and manufacture an industrial inspired bottle glorifier to showcase the Bulleit brand.

client feedback

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Venenatis nunc pellentesque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Venenatis nunc pellentesque in in.”

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Influencer mailers


A Japanese vending machine-inspired mailer to promote a new video game.

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graphic design + 3D modeling + sourcing + print and packaging + custom manufacturing + production management + quality control + kitting + fulfillment


This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.


This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
More Case Studies
A set of three imitation video games for Bethesda's Ghostwire release.


Bethesda came to us in anticipation of launching Ghostwire: Tokyo, their latest video game drop.

A hand engages with the interactive, custom-designed package design.


Beginning with modeling the mailer exterior to resemble a vending machine, a very popular product in Japan, we incorporated various unboxing layers to evoke an interactive consumer experience: a Japanese folklore book sat underneath a custom light-up Torii gate, followed by a full ramen noodle kit (included with sauce packets, ramen, bowls + chopsticks).

A close-up view of imitation video games for Bethesda's Ghostwire release.

Our Differentiator

Perhaps our most intricate mailer yet. A memorable moment for both the brand, the game and their following. This was an opportunity to really hone in on international creative inspiration surrounding the country and culture of Ghostwire Tokyo.


A Japanese vending machine-inspired mailer to promote a new video game.

graphic design + 3D modeling + sourcing + print and packaging + custom manufacturing + production management + quality control + kitting + fulfillment